1. Pitanje broj: #234438

    Doktore zvao sam neke labaratorije i oni su rekli kad je u stanju mirovanja kao herpes ne moze se otkriti ni pcr testom

    Odgovoreno: 15. 11. 2024.
    • OVO je iz udžbenika, sve drugo nije relevantno.Poređenje HSV i HPV je znak suštinskog nerazumevanja tih infekcija

      Human papillomavirus (HPV) infects epithelial cells. Most of the > 100 subtypes infect cutaneous epithelium and cause skin warts; some types infect mucosal epithelium and cause anogenital warts. Skin or anogenital warts are diagnosed based on clinical appearance and are usually treated with topical medications or cytodestructive treatments. Genital warts may persist and spread widely in patients with decreased cell-mediated immunity (eg, due to pregnancy or HIV infection). Some types that infect mucosal epithelium can lead to anogenital or oropharyngeal cancer. Pap tests and/or HPV testing is recommended to screen for cervical cancer and anal cancer in high-risk patients. Vaccines are available to protect against many of the HPV strains that can cause genital warts and cancer.

      HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is so common that 80% of sexually active unvaccinated people get the virus at some point in their life (1). In the US, about 14 million people become newly infected with HPV each year; before the HPV vaccine became available, each year roughly 340,000 to 360,000 patients sought care for genital warts caused by HPV.

      Most HPV infections clear spontaneously within 1 to 2 years, but some persist.

      General reference

      1. 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Human papillomavirus (HPV). Accessed July 6, 2022.

      Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for oncogenic HPV subtypes are used as part of routine cervical cancer screening in women. Initial tests typical detect any one of 13 common high-risk types. Follow-up HPV genotype tests may be done to detect the most high-risk types, typically 16, 18, or 45. No HPV testing for men is available for clinical use.

      Clinicians should check for malignant oral lesions potentially caused by HPV during routine examination of the mouth and oral cavity.

Komentari na pitanje: #234438

    • Doktore, kako je moguće da posle toliko testiranja na hpv za 2.5 godine 6-7 puta pcr bris grla da se sad pronađe hpv 16 u usnoj duplji, a radio sam toliko puta i pre 2 meseca u gzzjz bris grla nepca jezika usne duplje i nalaz bio negativan, a sad negativan bris jezika grla nepca a pozitivan bukalni bris na hpv 16?

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