The first meeting of the Central and South-East Europe Consortium of MS Centers /CSEECMSC/


The first meeting of the Central and South-East Europe Consortium of MS Centers /CSEECMSC/
8th - 10th of December 2008
Hotel "Park" Novi Sad

 8th of December 2008

16:00 Press conference -Stem cells (D.Karussis)
1st floor , Auditory 2

17: 00-18:00 Scientific session:
D.Karussis: Stem cells in MS
Expected participants: experts and researchers with special interest in stem cells
17:00-18:00 Satelite meeting of MS nurses and  treating neurologists
June Halper,  Founder of IOMSN

1st floor , Auditory 2                                                                                 Amphitheatre 1

18:15 Press conference
(L.Steinman, D.Karussis, C.Guttman, B.Banwell, J.Halper, Z.Illes, C.Nadj)

18:30  Welcome reception

  9th of December 2008  

7.00-8.00 Registration

8.00-8.20 Opening ceremony

Scientific Program:

I Understanding MS
Chairmen: L.Steinman, L.Vécsei, D.Karussis  

Lawrence Steinman                                          
(Stanford University School of Medicine,    
Stanford, USA)
A Molecular Trio in Relapse and in Remission of MS
William Robinson                                          
(Stanford University School of Medicine,         
Stanford, USA)
Biomarkers - Protein and Lipid Arrays,

Multiplex Cytokine Analysis
Renaud Du Pasquier                                          
(Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois,
Lausanne, Switzerland)
Viruses and Multiple Sclerosis
10:50-11:10 Coffee break
Chairmen:J.Halper, I.Milanov, V.Brinar  
Trygve Holmøy                                              
(Ullevål University Hospital,            
Oslo, Norway)
Immunological Basis for Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
Bruno Gran                    
(The University of
 Nottingham, UK)
Innate regulation of autoimmunity in MS
II Stem cell and Multiple sclerosis - mini symposium
Dimitrios Karussis                                         
(Hadassah University Hospital,       
Jerusalem, Israel)
The use of stem cells in MS: preclinical and initial clinical experience
13:20-14:10 Lunch  
III Comprehensive Multipel Sclerosis Care
Chairmen: A.Miller, C.Guttmann
June Halper                   
(Executive Director,                
Hackensack, NY, USA)
Comprehensive Approach to Multiple Sclerosis Care
IV Multiple Sclerosis in children - mini symposium
Brenda Banwell               
(University of Toronto,            
Toronto, Canada)
Clinical Features and Diagnosis of MS in Children
Brenda Banwell                
(University of Toronto,          
Toronto, Canada)
Treatment of Children with MS and Acute Demyelination
15:50-16:10 Coffee break
V MR and MS
Chairmen: B.Banwell, O.Sinanović, S.Komoly
Charles Guttmann                
(Harvard University School of Medicine,   
Harvard, USA)
MRI, Image Analysis, and Informatics
Pathways to Discovery in Multiple Sclerosis
VI New and Emerging Therapies
Hideki Garren                                          
(Bayhill Therapeutics, Inc.,            
Palo Alto, USA)
Mechanism of Tolerance and Vaccines in Multiple Sclerosis
Ariel Miller                                                        
(Carmel Medical Center,
Haifa, Israel)
Personalized Medicine in Multiple Sclerosis 
20:15 Dinner

  10th of December 2008 


8:30-9:30 /Paralel sessions:

The experts will explain the proposed project, protocols and relevant details for cooperation and establish research network on the following topics:

    1st floor , Auditory 1                    1st floor , Auditory 2
                         Amphitheatre 1

II   CSEECMSC constitutional meeting

First meeting of the CSEECMSC (we expect participation of at least one researcher from every research or medical center)

III Sightseeing and social program /optional

Participation fee and Accommodation

Registration is possible on web site

Accomodation and transfer is organized by Elite travel agency

Elite travel agency
Trg  Slobode 2
21000 Novi Sad
Phone:  +381 21 6621 210
Fax:       +381 21 6611 250
              +381 21 6614 032
Mobil:    +381 63 7321 644

Please inform us about your interest to participate to the meeting and also your: preferred mail(s), mailing address, phone number, mobile number, fax.

Your contact details will remain confidential to third parties /mail, mobile, phone and fax /
Please, give as short mail notice if you received our invitation. 

Organizing comity:
Dr Dusan Radojicic,
Clinic of Neurology,
Clinical Center of Vojvodina,
Hajduk Veljkova 1
21000 Novi Sad,
Fax: +381 21 522 369
Mobil: +381 65 348 6000


Registration fee: 100 €

Possible update of the program wiil be on web site

Scientific session for all interested researchers

    The meeting for the nursing  does requires free registration and all participations are invited     on welcome reception on 19 hours. 
  • Other parts of the meeting requires full registration.
  • Official  language is English. Translation on local language will be for Satelit meeting of MSnurses and trating neurologists on 8th Dec 2008.
  • The internet caffe in hotel "Park" (wireles free), 16 PC available 24 hours.

dr Congor Nadj

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